James Einstman, Jr.
James Einstman, Jr.
Addiction Treatment Specialist
Addiction Treatment Specialist
11 Oakland Avenue -
3rd Floor
Warwick, NY 10990

Most likely, you have heard about the Opiate Epidemic in the Hudson Valley. Unfortunately, Opiate Addiction is a systemic problem that is effecting the majority of individuals and families in Orange County, especially teens and young adults in Warwick, NY.
Unfortunately, most Addiction Treatment providers are Treating Opiate Addiction the way they would address any other substance use disorder, with a “fail first” attitude. Which usually entails allowing individuals to stumble, relapse, and possibly drop out of treatment, before applying interventions to address this severe substance use disorder. However, in my experience, you cannot use the same approach. When Treating Opiate Addiction, it is important to take it more seriously, understanding that relapse from Opioid use is prevalent, and Opioid use can often lead to opiate overdose and death.
Therefore, my approach to Treating Opiate Use Disorder is to apply an urgent and comprehensive approach. First and foremost, all patients who are being treated for an opiate addiction in my private practice must first sign an Opiate Contract. This contract lists several expectations that the patient must adhere to in order to remain in treatment. Although this is not the forum to list all the details of the Opiate Contract, it does include agreeing to abstain from the use of all mood altering substances, attending treatment sessions as scheduled, and having significant family involvement in the treatment process.

Although not a requirement of treatment, I do encourage all patients and families seeking help for an Opiate Addiction to explore the benefits of utilizing Medication Assisted Treatment. This could include the use of Methadone, Suboxone, or even better still, Naltrexone or Vivitrol. Utilizing pharmaceutical interventions has been proven to decrease the painful symptoms of withdrawal, as well as the cravings and urges to use opiates. This leads to improved retention rates in treatment, as well as overall treatment outcomes.
I am also trained in the use of Narcan, and if an unfortunate emergency arises in my office, I am authorized to administer Narcan in the case of an Opiate Overdose.

Opiate Addiction is a difficult and sometimes overwhelming condition. However, treatment is available, and recovery is possible. If you or someone you love is struggling with Opiate Addiction, don't hesitate to contact me. Opiate Addiction is a progressive and deadly condition. Every second counts. I'm available and here to help.